At CUBANTURE, we are convinced that outdoor activities such as surfing have a meditative and healing effect, helping to reduce stress and improve well-being. Every day, hundreds if not thousands of Cubans leave the country. As a result, Cuba is also losing many, many surfers and activists who have already achieved a lot for their country and have fought for the continuation of surfing in Cuba. The children of Cuba are the future of the country.

Yumuri Surfer Kids Project

The Yumuri Surf Project supports the children of the village of Yumuri. The village, which is home to around 300 people, is located at the last tip of eastern Cuba, around 30 kilometres from Baracoa. Since the corona crisis, the transport situation in Cuba has deteriorated considerably and remote places like Yumuri are suffering particularly badly as the urgently needed donations and tourism are failing to materialise.

In the village of Yumuri, surfer Roberto and his son teach the children in the village how to surf and get them excited about water sports activities. The children in the village have almost no other way to occupy themselves, out here at the last tip of Cuba there are no playgrounds or anything else, just the river, the rocky gorge and a great surf spot. The survival of this small surfing community is currently only possible thanks to donations. The surfboards in Yumuri have suffered severe damage during the coronavirus years due to wear and tear and a lack of materials to repair them.

There is no sports equipment shop in Cuba, which means that surfers in Cuba are dependent on donations in kind or have to buy their equipment from abroad via costly detours. The average Cuban, however, does not have the necessary access to foreign dividends and cannot afford to practise a sport.

With your help, we can enable the children in Yumuri to learn water sports activities, repair the existing surfboards or send them new ones.

Surfer Kinder in Yumuri
© Francisco Fernandez Castro

Since November 2023, together with the German tour operator TARUK, we have been able to provide the children of Yumuri with UV clothing, snorkelling equipment and reef shoes. CUBANTURE is currently taking care of the provision of repair kits and used surfboards.

Surfermädchen in Yumuri
© Roberto Capdesuner
Reisegäste bringen Spenden nach Yumuri
© Hector Avila
Roberto beim Surfen in Yumuri
© Roberto Capdesuner
Reisegäste mit den Surferkindern
© Hector Avila
Wellen in Yumuri
© Roberto Capdesuner
Yumuri Kinder mit Spenden
© Roberto Capdesuner

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