The enormous potential of the Cuban climbing areas was already discovered in the 20th century. Foreign visitors such as the Colombian climber Alberto Morales (in Cuba in 1998) realised that climbing in Cuba could only be developed with foreign support. He was the first to leave his climbing equipment in Cuba, as there are no sports shops here and Cubans are therefore unable to procure equipment easily. In the following years, many tourists followed his example and gradually a climbing community was established in Cuba. CUBANTURE is currently supporting a Canadian entrepreneur who has set himself the task of equipping new climbing routes in Cuba or renewing outdated routes. This is important so that the climbing routes are safe and the climbing community can continue to develop.

Cubanture Climbing Support

CUBANTURE is currently supporting a Canadian entrepreneur who has set himself the task of equipping new climbing routes in Cuba or renewing outdated routes. This is important so that the climbing routes are safe and the climbing community can continue to develop.

CUBANTURE donates 3 climbing routes every year for the climbing festival that takes place annually in Viñales. Every year, a new climbing sector is developed or an outdated climbing wall is renovated at great expense. In 2023 we were able to donate 3 routes in the new climbing sector "Coco Solo", in 2024 it will be 3 routes in the "Geisha" sector which is currently being renovated and expanded (3 old routes will be renovated, 27 more routes will be developed).

The project is led by Paul Lapierre, the owner of Tirex Climbing in Canada. He manufactures titanium bolts, which are particularly durable. In Cuba in particular, it makes sense to use titanium bolts or to renew existing routes with these bolts, as the proximity to the coast and the high salt content in the air mean that other materials oxidise very quickly and the routes become unusable due to the risk of accidents. The bolt design he developed requires a smaller hole in the rock than conventional bolts, making it more environmentally friendly and using less epoxy to seal.

Paul travels to Cuba every January and works together with Cuban climbers Yarobis, Tito and Anibal from Viñales to equip a new climbing sector.

Kletterfestival im neuen Sektor Coco Solo
© Paul Lapierre

The annual climbing festival motivates Cubans to try out climbing or improve their climbing skills.

International participants are also always welcome and the climbing festival is a great opportunity for the Cuban climbing community to make valuable contacts.

With your reservation via CUBANTURE, you are contributing to the development of climbing in Cuba, as a large part of the proceeds will be donated to our support projects. If you would like to come to Cuba to climb, you will be able to get to know and support the local community.

Sponsoren des Kletter Festivals 2024
© Paul Lapierre
Neuer Klettersektor Geisha 2024
© Rebekka Boehme
Kletterer im Sektor Coco Solo 2023
© Jorge Pimentel
Kletterwand Coco Solo beim Festival 2023
© Paul Lapierre
Kletterer in Vinales im Sektor Coco Solo
© Paul Lapierre
Begutachtung der Kletterwand Coco Solo
© Paul Lapierre
Neuer Kletter Sektor Geisha 2024
Neuer Klettersektor Coco Solo in Viñales 2023

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